Summit First Aid Squad

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Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad Member Receives EMS Award (6/20/2003)

Polly Seifert, an EMT with the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad, has received the Excellence in EMS Award from Atlantic Health Systems. The award is given annually to one member of each of the area first aid squads. Squad members are nominated by their respective captains in recognition of their service to their organization and to the community.

Ms. Seifert has been an active volunteer on the Summit squad. In addition to her normal weekday and weekend shifts, she is the Squad's Equipment Lieutenant, responsible for all of the equipment and supplies that the Squad uses while responding to calls. Ms. Seifert also volunteers time representing the Squad at Summit activities such as the Tot Trot, Healthy Kids Day at the YMCA, and the Our House Run.

Squad Captain Jack Lyness stated, "Polly demonstrates the skills and demeanor needed to handle each and every patient she encounters on a call. It doesn't matter whether it's an infant or an elderly individual - all are in good hands with Polly."

The Squad is always looking for new volunteers and provides all needed training and equipment. For information, please call 908-277-9479, or visit them on the Internet at

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