Summit First Aid Squad

Press Clipping



Summit Squad benefits from 2003 Octo Bowl Fest Summit residents Gene and Lori Bebout, Jim and Karen Cramer, Michael and Ellen Haley, and Steve and Jane Murphy organized Octo"Bowl"Fest, a fundraising evening at Madison Lanes held on September 20th, to gather the community in support of the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad. The event raised more than $12,000 to kick off the Summit Squad's annual fund drive.

Pictured are Steve and Jane Murphy (left) and Gene and Lori Bebout (right) presenting a check to FAS Captain Jack Lyness (center). Summit residents who would like to donate to the First Aid Squad's fund drive, proceeds of which offset operating expenses incurred while providing emergency medical services to the City of Summit, can send checks made out to "Summit Volunteer FAS" to P.O. Box 234, Summit, NJ 07902-0234.

The Squad is always looking for new volunteers and provides all needed training and equipment. For information, please call 908-277-9479, or visit them on the Internet at

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© 2003 Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad, Inc.