Summit First Aid Squad

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Summit Squad Receives Grant from Junior League (2/14/2004)

The Junior League of Summit has awarded a grant to the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad designated for the purchase of jackets for the Squad's junior members. The Squad established the junior program many years ago in an effort to recruit new members during their high school years with the hope that they would continue with the Squad after graduation. Several current long-term Squad members began their EMS careers as junior members.

Each year through an application and interview process, approximately twenty high school juniors and seniors are chosen from the many who apply to be part of the Squad. These junior members are given training in areas of Emergency Medical Services including Basic First Aid, Patient Packaging, Vital Signs, CPR, Defibrillation and Oxygen Administration. Over 90% of the junior members also sign up for and complete a rigorous program to be certified as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT). This 120-hour course includes classroom and practical training as well as a 10-hour working session at the Emergency Room of a local hospital.

Summit Squad Junior members with new jackets"We truly appreciate the support from the Junior League," stated Squad President Ken Herr. "The Squad's junior program is a significant part of our overall membership program, and the funding from the grant allows us to demonstrate to our juniors that they are very much a part of the Squad." Junior League President Donna Miller, who visited the Squad to award the grant, mentioned, "The Junior League of Summit focuses on building the next generation and addressing critical community needs. These junior Squad members are a wonderful example of the next generation going above and beyond to make our community a better place, and the JLS is extremely proud to support this great program." Pictured with a group of the Squad's junior members are First Aid Squad President Ken Herr (far left) and from the Junior League, Kristen Gilfillan, Community Vice President, Donna Miller, President, and Jennifer Matthews, Community Assistance Chairwoman (far right).

Summit Squad Junior members with new jackets First Aid Squad junior members (left to right) Woody Shepherd, Cara Gelber, and Matt D'Ecclessis model the jackets purchased with the grant.

The Squad is always looking for new volunteers and provides all needed training and equipment. For information, please call 908-277-9479, or visit them on the Internet at

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