Summit First Aid Squad

Press Clipping


Mutual Aid, Mutual Training (12/24/2007)

The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad (SVFAS) and the Millburn-Short Hills Volunteer First Aid Squad (MSHVFAS) share more than a common border between their respective towns. They also share a common commitment to helping those in need. And to meet that commitment, the Squads often cross that border to help each other.

The Squads have a mutual aid agreement between them, meaning that if another ambulance or additional personnel are needed at an emergency, or if several emergency calls occur at the same time, the Squads will provide backup for each other. To make sure there is familiarity with equipment and procedures, joint training sessions are held periodically. Such a training session was held just recently at the Summit Squad building, with members of the Millburn-Short Hills Squad bringing one of their ambulances to review.

Summit and Millburn-Short Hills EMS volunteers at a joint training excercise

Photo: Members of the Summit and Millburn-Short Hills Volunteer First Aid Squads at their recent training session. From left to right, Sloane Previdi, Jeff Matchen, Chris Raymond, Mike Montero, Leigh Goodman, Tom Hoxie, Kari Phair, and Esther Kirk.

Summit Squad Captain Kari Phair stated, "These sessions are extremely valuable, as we are able to view first hand any new equipment on board the Millburn-Short Hills vehicle. Members of their squad also have the opportunity to become familiar with our rigs." Agreeing with that assessment was Esther Kirk, Captain of the Millburn-Short Hills Squad. "There have been many times where both squads are on a call together and need to function as one," said Ms. Kirk. "We really depend on each other, especially during daytime hours when it becomes more difficult to maintain adequate staffing."

While membership at both Squads is strong, there is always a need for additional members. Training, equipment, and uniforms are provided to new members. One training session coming up early in 2008, designed for daytime recruits but open to anyone who has an interest, is the EMT Basic class at the Summit Squad building. The class begins on February 5th and runs through the end of April. To enroll, or for further information, contact the Summit Squad at 908-277-9479, or the Millburn-Short Hills Squad at 973-564-7005. Information is also available at our web site or by sending an email message to

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