Summit First Aid Squad

Press Clipping


Squad Holds Open House (6/26/2008)

The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad recently held an Open House to offer Summit residents the opportunity to visit the Squad building, review the equipment in use, and obtain information on volunteering. Approximately 30 people attended, including several members of the Summit Common Council.Squad Personnel Officer Jane James speaks with a propsective volunteer

Building tours were provided as were demonstrations on using various pieces of equipment. Displays included the Squad’s newest of 3 ambulances, fire rehabilitation trailer and equipment, and First Responder Vehicle. The Squad meeting room was set up with CPR training materials with instruction available by certified CPR trainers. The Summit Fire Department also hosted a table where information on the Department and fire safety was available.Young visitors get some hands on CPR Training from Squad member Maureen Sinclair.

Squad President John Staunton stated, "This was a great opportunity to show the Summit community how our volunteers are equipped and trained, and how we make good use of the donations received through our fund raising efforts. As an independent organization, we rely on the generosity of Summit residents and businesses to maintain our operations and keep up to date with the latest EMS techniques and equipment."

Several residents that attended expressed an interest in joining the volunteer ranks of the Squad. Kari Phair, Squad Captain, mentioned "While our membership is strong, there is always a need for additional members, especially during the daytime hours."

All training and equipment is provided free of charge and scheduling of shifts is flexible in order to accommodate other commitments. Applications and information are available at the Squad web site,, or by calling the Squad building at 908-277-9479.

Councilman Frank Macioce, Mayor Jordan Glatt, and Councilman Mike Vernotico get a quick tour of the Squad's major incident response equipment from Squad President John Staunton

(Photos by Mark Koernig)

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