Summit First Aid Squad

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3 CPR saves for Summit's Wednesday Night Volunteers (4/3/2012)

Volunteer EMTs: Joe Osmulski, Mitch Berstein, Jane Mahoney, and Jane James  (photo by Kari Phair)The members of the Summit First Aid Squad's Wednesday night crew have been making a real difference this year. They successfully revived a patient in cardiac arrest in January and in February had another CPR save. Last week, Squad Captain Kari Phair visited the crew to present the members with the "CPR Save" pin. Later that same night, the crew received another call for a resident in cardiac arrest and was able to revive that patient as well.

"The crew is 3 for 3 in CPR saves this year. That's quite a feat", said Ms. Phair. Night crew members at the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad are typically on duty from 7 PM to 7 AM the following morning. Two of these 3 CPR successes were "out of bed" calls that occurred after midnight. The Wednesday night lifesavers are: Mitch Bernstein, Jane James, Jane Mahoney and Joe Osmulski.

CPR is most effective when started early, often by bystanders and family members and when more advanced care arrives quickly. The Summit First Aid Squad encourages everyone to learn CPR as well as the warning signs of heart attack and stroke.

The all volunteer First Aid Squad is always looking for new members to join its ranks. All needed training, uniforms and equipment is provided. For information, please call 908-277-9479, or visit their web site web site.

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