Summit First Aid Squad

Press Clipping


Bike Team to the Rescue (appeared in the Summit Observer 8/21/97)

While providing EMS coverage at the Summit Downtown Fair last Saturday, members of the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad Bike Team found themselves assisting the Police as well. During the afternoon, the Police received a report of a missing person; an elderly woman who reportedly had missed a dose of medication and as a result may have become confused. Given the large area and number of people attending, the Police felt that search would be difficult, so Sargent Paul Kelley approached the First Aid Squad to enlist the help of the Bike Team. The bicycles provide fairly easily travel through the crowds as well as good vision since the rider is a bit higher than most pedestrians. About 10 minutes after receiving the report, team member Kari Phair located the missing woman. Although mildly confused, she was otherwise on good health.

The Summit First Aid Squad first began using bicycles to cover events in 1992. Since then their use has been proven valuable on several occasions.

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