Summit First Aid Squad

Press Clipping


Foundation Provides boost for a new Ambulance (appeared in the Summit Independent 3/17/99)

The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad has drawn closer to it’s goal of purchasing a new ambulance this year, thanks to a grant from the Fred C. Rummel Foundation. The Foundation recently donated funds for the purchase of a new semi-automatic defibrillator. Remaining funds from the grant of almost $ 10,000 makes the Fred C. Rummel Foundation the leading donor in the Sqaud’s Ambulance Replavement Campaign. The squad plans to replace the oldest of it’s 3 ambulances later this year.

The First Aid Squad has also recently placed into service 4 new semi automatic defibrillators. These new devices replace older units which the Squad first began using in 1993. A defibrillator can significantly increase the chance of survival for a patient of cardiac arrest. Squad volunteers first used such a device in November of 1993 and saved that patients life. Since then, squad members have saved at least 7 cardiac arrest patients with the use of this technology.

Pictured here in front of the 10-year old ambulance due for replacement are Cindy Santella (left) President of the Summit Volunteer First Aid and Carl Ganger, (right) chairman of the Ambulance replacement committee, accepting a check from Bette Baur of Summit Bank and the Fred C. Rummel Foundation. To date, the Squad has raised 40 % of the funds needed to purchase a new ambulance.

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