Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad
Vial of Life Program

This special project was launched on October 27, 2002;
"National Make a Difference Day".

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Built and hosted in Summit by Hilltop Associates

Dear Neighbor,

Welcome to the Vial of Life program. The Vial of Life provides a simple, easy, and effective method of communicating with Emergency Medical Services personnel during an emergency. This life saving program conveys vital information about allergies, medications, and medical conditions. The Vial of Life is easy to use and provides an added layer of protection for you and your family in the event of a medical emergency.

The vial is a small plastic container that holds a sheet with easy to read medical information, such as a your name, medical history, any known allergies, present medications, blood type, and an emergency contact person. In addition, the form has a place for alerting medical personnel about DNR orders or living wills and where those documents are located. The kit includes a magnet to be placed on the refrigerator where the vial is kept. When emergency responders see the magnet, they will know where to find your life-saving medical information.

The Vial of Life is simple to use:

  • Complete a Vial of Life form for each member of your household. Fill the form out as completely as possible. Once you have completed all the forms, carefully fold them up and place them in the vial.
  • Place the Vial of Life inside your refrigerator, on the door.
  • Put the Vial of Life magnet on the outside of your refrigerator in a conspicuous place.

If your medical condition changes, it is vital that you update the form. Additional forms and supplies are available from the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad. Just call or stop by—we always enjoy a visit from our neighbors. New forms can also be down loaded here.

We hope that you’ll never need to put the Vial of Life to use. But, you, your family and our members will certainly be glad to have it in the event of an emergency in your home.


John Staunton

This project to deliver a Vial of Life kit to every home is Summit has been undertaken in memory of Ian Thompson, a member of the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad who was lost in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

© 2002 Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad, Inc.    Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this program a success!