Summit First Aid SquadPress Clipping |
First Aid Squad Handles Multiple Calls (10/9/2002)
Members of the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad had a very busy evening this past Friday. A total of 5 calls were handled by the Squad within a 90 minute period, requiring 2 crews of off-duty members to be assembled in addition to the regular Friday night duty crew. The first call was a request for the duty crew to respond for a hand laceration. After transporting the individual to Overlook Hospital, the crew received a call for a motor vehicle accident involving a pedestrian. While leaving Overlook after transporting the pedestrian involved, the crew then received a third call for an unconscious person. At the same time, a backup call was issued for victims of a dog bite. The duty crew answered the call for the unconscious person, while 2 off duty members responded to the scene of the dog bite. When the off duty members arrived at the dog bite scene, it was determined that there were three individuals needing attention. A second crew of off duty members was requested to provide assistance. 4 members responded to staff the 3rd ambulance. While attending to the dog bite injuries, another back up call was issued for a person that was feeling ill. Since the dog bite injuries were found to be minor, the second back-up crew responded to that call. Due to the timing of the calls, all three Squad ambulances were at Overlook Hospital simultaneously after transporting their patients. Beverly Brown, Squad Captain and Friday night crew chief, stated "Friday nights are usually pretty quiet. Even so, many members listen to their radios while off duty just in case we have the type of night we had tonight. It is gratifying to see our volunteer members respond to support the Summit community." Editor's Note: On Saturday, October 12, all 3 Summit ambulances again answered multiple calls. While the duty crew was handling a transportation, a report of a cardiac emergency at the Summit Medical Group was received just moments before an injury to a football player at Tatlock field. Off duty members answered both calls and were on scene within 7 minutes. One member responded directly to the Tatlock Field emergency and arrived in just 5 minutes. |
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