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Summit First Aid Squad Holds Annual Dinner (2/14/2004)
The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad held its annual dinner recently and recognized several members for outstanding service. The dinner was held at the Berkeley Plaza in Berkeley Heights. The Squad's Presidential Award, presented annually to the member that most exemplifies dedication to the Squad and the community, was awarded to Dave Schempp. Mr. Schempp has been a Squad member for several years, serves as Trustee, and is currently the chairperson for Annual Fund Drive and the Grants Committee. Under his leadership, the fund drive is approaching the goals set out in the beginning of the drive. The Grants committee has applied for numerous grants from various public and private entities, resulting in the receipt of funding for critical Squad initiatives. In presenting the award, Squad President Ken Herr cited Mr. Schempp's commitment to the Squad, his energetic approach to his responsibilities, and his resourcefulness. "Dave has worked through the often tedious grant process in an effort to secure funding for projects the board has identified as priorities. He has devoted a good deal of his personal time in pursuit of this crucial financial support," said Mr. Herr. Mr. Herr also awarded the Star of Life to several Squad members who showed outstanding commitment during 2003. They were John Christmann, Kari Phair, and Fred Schwarzmann for their efforts in renovating the day room in the Squad building, Mike Hunter for upgrading and maintaining the technology infrastructure in the building, and Chris and Richard Raymond for their overall involvement with Squad activities and their response to back-up calls. Bob Koernig was recognized for taking regular shifts with the Squad during his break from college, filling in wherever needed. Recognition for service milestones was presented to Michael R. D'Ecclessis, Jack Lyness, Jeff Noonan, and Polly Seifert (5 years), Nancy Weeks (10 years), and John Staunton (20 years). Guests at the dinner included Mayor Jordon Glatt, Fire Chief Tom Murray, and several officers from surrounding first aid squads. In a mutual support arrangement with the Chatham Emergency Squad, Chatham provided a crew to cover Summit the night of the dinner, and the Summit squad reciprocated during Chatham's annual dinner. The Squad is always looking for new volunteers and provides all needed training and equipment. For information, please call 908-277-9479, or visit them on the Internet at |
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