Summit First Aid SquadPress Clipping |
In Good Hands (11/3/2005)
Summit First Aid Squad Junior Members (from left) Chris Sniekus, Abby Brdlik, Liz Clark, and Chris Vance demonstrate first aid techniques for neck injuries at one of their recent meetings. The Squad provides monthly training sessions for high school students that volunteer as Junior Members. "This has been a very successful program for us," says Squad Junior Liaison Officer, Joe Osmulski. "We have a very dedicated bunch of young people that provide a great service to the Summit community." The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad is in the midst of its annual fund drive. New Members are always welcome and the Squad provides all training and uniforms. Junior membership is open to high school students ages 16 to 18. For information, please call 908-277-9479, or visit the Squad website at
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