Summit First Aid Squad

Press Clipping


First Aid Squad Responds to House Fire (12/11/2008)

A serious structure fire in a 2 family home on Walnut Street Monday afternoon brought a large response from Summit’s and several neighboring fire departments as well as the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad.

Shortly after the on duty crew was dispatched, Squad volunteer Carl Lohmann requested a call to off duty members for additional manpower. A total of 9 squad volunteers responded staffing 2 of the squad’s ambulances and their First Response/ EMS Command truck. Additional ambulances from the Chatham Emergency Squad and Springfield Volunteer First Aid Squad also responded to assist. An ambulance from Cranford had just finished delivering a patient to nearby Overlook Hospital and also stood by for a brief time until the Chatham and Springfield units were in place.

The Squad typically responds to working structure fires and hazardous materials incidents to provide on scene medical treatment and rehabilitation to the firefighters. Both the Summit and Springfield squads are part of a special county task force that provides EMS coverage and rehab at major fire scenes throughout Union County. Firefighting operations can be very stressful often resulting in rapid changes to blood pressure, heart, rate, respirations and body temperature. According to Squad President John Staunton, himself a volunteer firefighter, "Due to the protective gear, physical exertion and extreme temperatures inside a fire building, there’s a real risk of heat exhaustion among responders, even when the outside temperature is only 20 degrees". The rehab team monitors vitals signs, provides fluid replacement and ensures the responders are medically cleared to return to their hazardous duties.

Jane James, a Lieutenant with the First Aid Squad supervised the EMS operations until Captain Kari Phair arrived. Ms. Phair expressed her gratitude to the neighboring squads that assisted. "The Springfield and Summit squads have well coordinated fire scene response efforts using the same equipment and training protocols. That paid off on Monday. Summit also has a longstanding mutual aid agreement with Chatham and having their crew on scene allowed us to keep an additional Summit ambulance available to answer unrelated emergencies call during the fire", said Phair.

The all volunteer First Aid Squad is always looking for new members to join its ranks. All needed training, uniforms and equipment is provided. For information, please call 908-277-9479, or visit their web site at

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