Summit First Aid SquadPress Clipping |
Local First Responders Greet 9/11 Memorial Navy Ship (11/2/2009)
Four members of the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad were among the many EMS, fire and police responders from New Jersey to welcome the Navy's soon to be commissions USS New York this morning in Jersey City. The Navy's newest ship was built using steel recovered from the World Trade Center towers that were destroyed in the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. The ship will be dedicated as a tribute to those who lost their lives as well as the survivors. Many of New Jersey's EMS, fire and police agencies responded to the World Trade Center attack both on September 11 and for the rescue and recovery efforts in the days and weeks afterwards. In addition, several large relief efforts took place on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River as commuters returned home, many covered with dust and some injured. Summit's train station served as a major receiving site for riders of the Midtown direct line and local responders set up a large treatment and decontamination operation there. Summit First Aid Squad Volunteers sent 2 ambulance crews, one to each side of the Hudson on that fateful day as well as 3 crews in the days following to help cover EMS needs at the WTC site. Squad Captain Kari Phair, members Liz Cullen and Mike D'Ecclessiss were among the 14 volunteers who served on one of those details and were joined by Mike Montero for this morning's ceremony. "September 11 always has a special place for us", said Squad President John Staunton who also saw duty at the WTC site. "We lost a member and good friend that day", said Staunton. Ian Thompson, an active Squad volunteer at the time, was among 9 Summit residents lost on 9/11. "Several of our members also lost friends and family. While tragic for many of us, 9/11 was also our finest hour as we saw our membership, our partners form the fire and police departments, the Red Cross and the Summit community come together to answer the call for help". Over 40 off duty squad volunteers left work or home to come in and staff the treatment and decontamination operation at the Train Station. The squad evaluated over 600 commuters, about 70 of whom received a full decontamination, treated several on the scene for minor injuries and transported 1 to Overlook hospital. The fire brigade from Schering Plough provided a portable decontamination shower. Paul Vickery, who owned a local ambulance dealership at the time, loaned 3 additional ambulances and a command trailer, all of which were put to use by the squad. Many Summit merchants donated food and beverages for the canteen for both responders and victims. Squad volunteers also handled 7 unrelated EMS calls in Summit that day. The Summit First Aid Squad also sent several ambulance crews to the World Trade Center site in the days following the September 11 attack. In Jersey City this morning, the Summit EMS delegation met several members from the Summit Fire Department and the Chatham Township Volunteer Fire Department.
Pictured here are (L-R) Summit Squad members Mike D'Ecclessiss, Kari Phair, Liz Cullen, Mike Montero, and representing the Chatham Township Fire Department, Cory Platt and Kevin Condus. The First Aid Squad is always looking for new volunteers. The Squad provides all needed training, uniforms and equipment for its members. An Emergency Medical Technician course is offered at their building. For information, please call 908-277-9479, or visit their web site at |
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