Summit First Aid Squad

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Summit Honors Members and Installs New Officers (1/21/2010)

The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad swore in its new officers and board of trustees for 2010 at its last general meeting.

The following Squad members will serve as officers for 2010: Steve Mortenson, President; John Christmann, Vice President; Tom Dempsey, Treasurer; Henrietta Mahon, Recording Secretary; Linda Wolf, Corresponding Secretary; Kari Phair, Captain; Chris Raymond, Day Lieutenant; Jane James, Personnel Lieutenant; Kate Getzendanner, Training Lieutenant; George Shepherd, Maintenance Lieutenant; and Jane Mahoney, Equipment Lieutenant. Board Trustees will also include: Carl Lohmann, Dennis Burd, Tom Troy, Fred Schwarzmann, Rich Ryden, and John Staunton.

At the Squad’s annual dinner last week, the Presidential Award, presented annually to the member that most exemplifies dedication to the Squad and the community, was awarded to Fred Schwarzmann, an eight-year veteran of the Squad. John Staunton, the Squad’s outgoing President for 2008 and 2009, selected Mr. Schwarzmann for his outstanding direction of the Squad’s fund raising efforts in a difficult economic climate.

The all volunteer First Aid Squad is always looking for new members to join its ranks. All needed training, uniforms and equipment is provided. For information, please call 908-277-9479, or visit their web site at

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