Summit Volunteer First Aid SquadE.M.S. Bike Team
In October 1992, the Summit Volunteer
First Aid Squad became one of the first agencies in the
state to deliver Emergency Medical Services using
bicycles. Since that time the Bike Team has been deployed
at various events involving large numbers of people
and/or large areas to cover. The bicycles are of
particular value at crowded events where ambulance
response might be delayed. Events in our coverage area, the City of Summit, covered by the Bike Team include:
Once word of our existence got around, we began to receive invitations to events outside of our area. In 1996 the team visited neighboring Cranford for their 125 year anniversary parade and celebration. We also traveled to the Rutgers New Brunswick campus to cover the Hyacinth Foundation AIDS walk. We were invited to return in 1997 and 1998 and served as the lead EMS agency for the event. The team worked with the Rutgers and New Brunswick Police Departments and BLS units from Rutgers Emergency Services and Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center. There were several minor injuries, all of which were handled by the Bike Team. In 1997 we were also asked to cover the July 4th parade in neighboring Chatham. 3 members of the team handled that assignment, while 3 others provided coverage at the Independence Day celebration in Summit. We were quite pleased to be able to cover 2 simultaneous events. In 1998, we again covered 2 events in the same day: the Fountain Baptist Church 100th anniversary parade here in Summit and the Chatham Borough Fire Dept.100th anniversary parade that afternoon. Our Team also joined forces with ALS Bike teams from Overlook Hospital and St. Elizabeth's Hospital to cover the annual Mount Carmel celebration in Berkeley Heights and has beennrequested to cover that event for the past 10 years. Combination ALS/BLS teams and 2 BLS teams provided primary first responder coverage at this event which is typically attended by 20,000+ people. 2 of our members also joined the Overlook MICU team at the Bernardsville Fire Department 100th anniversary parade. (You don't truly appreciate the rolling hills of Bernardsville until you've biked them!) In 1998, 5 Bike Team members provided primary EMS coverage at the MS Society Coast the Coast Bike tour from Sandy Hook to Spring Lake. We have returned every year since (2000 in the pouring rain!) and have been joined by members of several other EMS bike teams. In 2005, we hosted a rest stop for the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride as it passed through Summit and in 2006, we covered the Police Unity Tour starting activities in Florham Park.
Of course, this wouldn't be an true EMS organization if someone didn't establish Standard Operating Procedures. From the team's humble beginnings as an experiment, we have now developed Bicycle EMS Operating Procedures, a standard equipment list and a training program. |
© 1998-2006 Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad, Inc. |